All these features allow, even, a novice LaTeX user to create beautiful documents and learn as they go. Moreover, creating templates in LaTeX is simple enough, it does not require a much-advanced level of knowledge for LaTeX to use and configure. LaTeX provides you with numerous customization options that allow you to introduce diversity in the documents with precise control over the layout and formatting. As a result, you get documents that bear a more professionally designed appearance and belong to a completely different class to the output from a word processor. A plain text format is usually used to write the content and then further annotations with subsequent commands are used, to control the display of various elements.
How to make a footnote in latex pdf#
In contrast to the general word processing software like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and others which function on the principle of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), LaTeX functions as a plain text markup language, that leverages optimal typographical rules which later gets compiled into a PDF document.
LaTeX, usually pronounced either as “Lay-tech” or “Lah-Tech” is a typesetting software used as a document preparation system, very often used by academicians, researchers, scientists, mathematicians, and other professionals.